Select a term to view the definition:
  • Major histocompatibility complex

    Professional Description:

    Genes located on chromosome 6 and encoded for the human leukocyte antigens (HLAs), present on all body cells, that distinguish self from non-self. Their products are primarily responsible for the rapid rejection of grafts between individuals. The function of the products of the MHC is signaling between lymphocytes and cells expressing antigens.

  • Malnutrition

    Professional Description:

    Undernutrition resulting from the lack of intake or uptake of nutrition leading to altered body composition and diminished function.

  • Maltodextrin

    Professional Description:

    A glucose polymer that contains six to 12 glucose molecules and exerts lesser osmotic effects compared with glucose. It is used in a variety of sports drinks as the main source of carbohydrate.

  • Mass Media

    Professional Description:

    Includes the traditional forms of media such as television, radio, newspapers and magazines as well as, but not limited to, the contemporary music videos, music lyrics, video games, movies, web pages and text messaging.

  • Mast cell

    Professional Description:

    Mast cells play an important role in the body's allergic response. Mast cells are present in most body tissues, but are particularly numerous in connective tissue, such as the dermis (innermost layer) of skin. In an allergic response, an allergen stimulates the release of antibodies, which attach themselves to mast cells. Following subsequent allergen exposure, the mast cells release substances such as histamine (a chemical responsible for allergic symptoms) into the tissue.

  • Mattis Dementia Rating Scale

    Professional Description:

    designed to measure and track mental status in adults (56-105) with cognitive impairment. The DRS-2 is very useful in the assessment and progression of dementia of Alzheimer's type, vascular dementia, Parkinson's disease, Huntington's disease, and age-related dementia in mental retardation and Down's syndrome. The (DRS-2) is individually administered and is comprised of a 36- task and 32-stimulus card. The DRS-2 assesses cognitive functioning on five subscales: Attention (ATT, 8 items); Initiation-Perseveration (I-P, 11 items); Construction (CONST, 6 items); Conceptualization (CONCEPT, 6 items); and Memory (MEM, 5 items). The reliability and validity properties of the DRS-2 are excellent. The DRS-2 uses the previously established reliability and validity scores. A test-retest reliability correlation coefficient was .97 with subscale correlation coefficients ranging from .61 to .94. The DRS was administered twice with a 1-week interval between administrations to a group of 30 patients

  • MCV

    Professional Description:

    mean cell volume

  • Mean intake

    Professional Description:

    Average intake of a particular nutrient or food for a group or population of individuals. Also average intake of a nutrient or food over two or more days for an individual.

  • Mean Requirement

    Professional Description:

    Average requirement of a particular nutrient for a group or population of individuals.

  • meat analogues

    Professional Description:

    A classification of foods made from vegetable proteins, nuts, or processed poultry or fish designed to imitate or be used in place of beef, pork, poultry, and dairy products.

  • Media Advisory

    Professional Description:

    A brief summary of a recent news event, followed by the background credentials of an expert willing to comment on it. Also known as an Interview Alert; often precedes a News Conference.

  • Media contact list

    Professional Description:

    A list of reporters and/or editors strategically chosen to reach a specific audience to the person or story being pitched.

  • Media Literacy

    Professional Description:

    The ability to access and critically evaluate mass media messages, to manage one's use of mass media and to use mass media to advocate for environmental change.

  • Median

    Professional Description:

    The median, is defined as "the middle value of the relevant set of data". The median is the value that divides the set of data in half, 50 percent of the measurement being above it and 50 percent being below it.

  • mediated approach

    Professional Description:

    intervention strategies implemented indirectly using media such as print mailings and telecommunication

  • Mediterranean Diet

    Professional Description:

    The dietary pattern found in the olive growing areas of the Mediterranean region, in the late 1950s and early 1960s, before the fast-food culture invaded the area. Specifically characterised by high monounsaturated-to-saturated fat ratio; moderate alcohol consumption; high consumption of legumes, cereals (including bread), fruits, vegetables and seafoods; low consumption of meat and meat products; and, moderate consumption of milk and dairy products. Total fat may be high - around or in excess of 40 % of total energy intake.

  • megaloblastic anemia

    Professional Description:

    Low red blood cell count, characterized by the presence in the blood of large, immature, nucleated cells (megaloblasts) that are forerunners of red blood cells. Red blood cells, when mature, have no nucleus.

  • Mentee

    Professional Description:

    One who is mentored.

  • Mentor

    Professional Description:

    A trusted counsellor, guide or advisor. Mentors are not typically involved in evaluation of learners unless in a formal facilitated mentoring program.

  • Mentoring

    Professional Description:

    The process of a mentor/mentee partnership with the more experienced person serving as a guide or advisor to the less experienced person.

  • Menu labelling

    Professional Description:

    The provision of information on calories, fat, sodium and other selected nutrients in menu items at point of purchase.

  • Meta analysis

    Professional Description:

    quantitative statistical analysis that is applied to separate but similar experiments of different and usually independent researchers and that involves pooling the data and using the pooled data to test the effectiveness of the results

  • Metabolic Body Weight

    Professional Description:

    Metabolic body weight is weight (kg)0.75. Many physiological variables (such as metabolic rate) do not appear to vary in direct proportion to body weight. Instead, they vary in proportion to what is known as metabolic body weight.

  • metabolic syndrome

    Professional Description:

    The metabolic syndrome (MetSyn) refers to a clustering of specific CVD risk factors whose underlying pathophysiology is thought to be related to insulin resistance. In Canada, the criteria used to diagnosis MetSyn are based on the NCEP ATP III criteria (1) and consists of three or more of the following (2):
    - abdominal obesity: waist circumference >102 cm in men and >88 cm in women
    - serum triglycerides 1.7 mmol/L
    - blood pressure 130/85 mmHg
    - HDL cholesterol <1.0 mmol/L in men and <1.3 mmol/L in women
    - fasting glucose 5.7 - 7.0 mmol/L.

  • Metastasis

    Professional Description:

    Metastasis is the spread or a change of position or form of a disease-producing cells from the initial or primary site of disease to another part of the body.

  • Methacholine challenge

    Professional Description:

    Methacholine is a pharmacologic agent used to assess airway hyperresponsiveness. Methacholine challenge is the most common method for quantifying airway responsiveness. Responsiveness is determined from the changes in lung function resulting from inhaling increasing concentrations of methacholine. Heightened airway responsiveness to a number of stimuli is characteristic of asthma.

  • Métis

    Professional Description:


  • Microcytic

    Professional Description:

    Pertaining to abnormally small red blood cell present especially as in microcytic anemias

  • Migraine

    Professional Description:

    A symptom complex occurring periodically that s characterized by pain in the head, nausea and vomiting, vertigo, photophobia, and scintillating appearances of light. Migraine subtypes include classic migraine, common migraine, cluster headache, hemiplegic migraine, ophthalmoplegic migraine, and ophthalmic migraine.

  • Migraineur

    Professional Description:

    An individual who experiences migraines.

  • Migraineurs

    Professional Description:

    An individual who experiences migraines.

  • Mild Hypoglycemia

    Professional Description:

    Associated with the presence of autonomic symptoms and the ability to self-treat.

  • Mild-intensity exercise

    Professional Description:

    Generally do not cause heavy breathing, only mildly elevate the heart rate, and do not affect blood glucose levels unless performed for more than 10 minutes.

  • Mildly/Moderately dehydrated

    Professional Description:

    Mild dehydration is when some deficits or abnormalities in laboratory values exist but they do not seriously impair an individual''s circulation, organ function or level of functioning. Moderate dehydration is when some deficits or laboratory abnormalities exist that impair or are likely to impair circulation or organ function but are not immediately life threatening.

  • Moderate alcohol intake

    Professional Description:

    no more than 1 drink a day and no more than 7 drinks a week where one standard drink is considered 1 bottle (350 mL/12 oz.) of 5% beer, 150 mL/5 oz. of 10-14% wine or 50 mL/1 1/2 oz. 40 % alcohol spirits

  • Moderate Hypoglycemia

    Professional Description:

    Associated with the presence of autonomic and neuroglycopenic symptoms and the ability to self-treat.

  • Moderate intensity aerobic exercise

    Professional Description:

    Includes jogging, walking, cycling or swimming

  • Moderate intensity counselling

    Professional Description:

    Face to face sessions which consist of 2-3 group or individual sessions ≥ 30 minutes delivered by a dietitian or other health professional

  • Moderate to high intensity counselling

    Professional Description:

    High is more than 6 contacts lasting more than 30 minutes, low is 1 contact lasting less than 30 minutes, medium is between low and high

  • Moderate-intensity exercise

    Professional Description:

    Described as 40-60% VO2max (50-70% of maximum heart rate, glucose uptake increased by 2-3mg per kg per minute above usual requirements). Examples include brisk walking, biking, continuous swimming, dancing, water aerobics, raking leaves.

  • modifiable risk factors

    Professional Description:

    factors which increase risk of a certain disease or disorder that can be adjusted by the individual. They include smoking, inactivity, excessive alcohol consumption, stress, excessive weight

  • MONICA Project

    Professional Description:

    Monitoring Trends and Determinants in Cardiovascular Disease Project

  • Monoclonal

    Professional Description:

    Referring to a single clone. Example: Monoclonal antibodies are produced by a single clone of cell and therefore are a single type of antibody.

  • Monogenic

    Professional Description:

    A descriptive term of or relating to an inheritable characteristic that is influenced by a single gene.

  • morbidly obese

    Professional Description:

    BMI of 40 or greater, or BMI of 35 or greater in the presence of significant co-morbidities

  • Moro reaction

    Professional Description:

    a scoring system for neonatal narcotic withdrawal.

  • Mucins

    Professional Description:

    Any of a group of glycoproteins found especially in the secretions of mucous membranes.

  • Multicultural Competence

    Professional Description:

    The possession of the awareness, knowledge, and skills needed to work effectively with clients from different cultures.

  • Multicultural nutrition counselling

    Professional Description:

    Nutrition counselling which involves a nutrition professional and a client who are from different cultures.

  • Multiple Daily Injections

    Professional Description:

    a form of intensive therapy using an intermediate- or long-acting insulin, or extended long-acting insulin analogue once or twice daily as the basal insulin, and a fast-acting or rapid-acting insulin analogue as the bolus insulin for food intake at each meal. This type of insulin regime permits adjustment of insulin doses for variable carbohydrate intake.

  • Multivitamin/mineral supplement

    Professional Description:

    Any supplement containing three or more vitamins or minerals, but no herbs, hormones or drugs, with each component at a level less than the tolerable upper intake level (UL).

  • Mycoprotein

    Professional Description:

    Mycoprotein is the main constituent of Quorn™ a high protein, high fibre food made from fungi.

  • myelodysplastic syndrome

    Professional Description:

    Any of a group of bone marrow disorders that are marked especially by an abnormal reduction in one or more types of circulating blood cells due to defective growth and maturation of blood-forming cells in the bone marrow and that sometimes progress to acute myelogenous leukemia -- called also myelodysplasia

  • myoglobin

    Professional Description:

    A red iron-containing protein pigment in muscles that is similar to hemoglobin but differs in the globin portion of its molecule

  • Myosin

    Professional Description:

    A major contractile protein in muscle found in thick filaments.