Select a term to view the definition:
  • Calcimimetics

    Professional Description:

    Drugs that mimic calcium and that are used to treat hyperparathyroidism.

  • Carotenoids

    Professional Description:

    Carotenoids are a family of pigmented compounds found in plants.

  • Chlorella pyrenoidosa

    Professional Description:

    Chlorella pyrenoidosa is a unicellular fresh water green alga rich in proteins, vitamins, and minerals.

  • Chromium

    Professional Description:

    An essential mineral required by the human body for normal carbohydrate and lipid metabolism. Chromium (Cr3+) is found in foods and supplements and is available in several forms.

  • Chromosome

    Professional Description:

    A structure of DNA and protein that is found in the cell nucleus. Each chromosome contains hundreds or thousands of the genes that form an individual''s hereditary blueprint. Chromosomes occur in pairs: one obtained from the mother; the other from the father, for a total of 23 pairs.

  • Client History

    Professional Description:

    (IDNT) Client history includes current and past information related to personal, medical, family and social history.

  • Coefficient of variation

    Professional Description:

    The coefficient of variation is the standard deviation of the requirement divided by the mean requirement (SD/Mean), and expressed as a percentage (CV=SD/Mean x 100). It is a term used to describe variability of observations in a population.

  • Cognitive Abilities Screening Instrument

    Professional Description:

    The Cognitive Abilities Screening Instrument (CASI)has a score range of 0 to 100 and provides quantitative assessment on attention, concentration, orientation, short-term memory, long-term memory, language abilities, visual construction, list-generating fluency, abstraction, and judgment.

  • Cognitive interviewing techniques

    Professional Description:

    Cognitive interviewing technique is a method to obtain informant perceptions about a topic or issue that involves asking informants to verbalize what comes to mind as they read/use a section of or an entire resource.

  • Cole criteria

    Professional Description:

    Cole criteria are BMI references using data from six countries. Cole, et al. drew centile curves that at age 18 years passed through the cut-off points of 25 and 30 kg/m2 for adult overweight and obesity. Children with a BMI of 25 or 30 at the extrapolated age of 18 were classified as overweight or obese, respectively.

  • Colony forming units

    Professional Description:

    Colony forming units are the number of bacteria in a given sample size that is viable (i.e. capable of initiating the development of a colony).

  • Color message

    Professional Description:

    A color message is the first part of a key message that provides context and perspective, followed by substantiating facts.

  • Commensal

    Professional Description:

    Commensal is an organism living on or within another, but not causing injury to the host.

  • Community-based interventions

    Professional Description:

    A community-based intervention is an intervention that is implemented within one or more community groups (ad hoc or formal), that promotes change through policy, social marketing, and/or environmental changes, and that targeted members of certain groups or community members at large.

  • Complementary feeding

    Professional Description:

    Complementary feeding is defined by the World Health Organization as "the transition from exclusive breastfeeding to family foods". Complementary feeding may also be referred to as weaning foods.

  • Computer-assisted dietary assessment

    Professional Description:

    A computer-assisted dietary assessment is when a health professional, practitioner or researcher utilizes a nutrient analysis program to calculate client-reported food intake which may be compared to recommended intakes (DRIs) and related to client personal, anthropometric and other data.

  • Computer-tailored information

    Professional Description:

    In computer-tailored information, personal dietary intakes can be compared with recommended intake levels (personal feedback), with the consumption patterns of peers (normative feedback) and with perceived risk behavior.

  • Conjunctivitis

    Professional Description:

    Conjuctivitis is the inflammation of the conjunctivae (membrane covering the front of the eye and lining of the eyelids) causing redness, swelling, and a watery discharge.

  • Continuous subcutaneous insulin infusion

    Professional Description:

    Continuous subcutaneous insulin infusion is a method of insulin delivery. Insulin is delivered by a microcomputer (pump) in very small amounts from a syringe reservoir through a thin tube (infusion set) that is connected to a needle or cannula which is inserted into the subcutaneous tissue. The pump is programmed to deliver a continuous infusion of basal insulin according to physiological needs and then programmed to deliver boluses of fast or rapid-acting insulin as needed to cover carbohydrate intake or to correct hyperglycemia.

  • Craniotabes

    Professional Description:

    Craniotabes is the softening of the skull.

  • C-reactive protein

    Professional Description:

    C-reactive protein is an acute phase reactant used as a marker for inflammation.

  • Cretan diet

    Professional Description:

    The Cretan diet originates from Crete, Greece and is characterized by a high content of cereals, vegetables, legumes, fruits and olive oil. Like the Mediterranean diet, it contains less meat and more fish than Western diets and moderate intakes of wine.

  • Cronbach's alpha

    Professional Description:

    Cronbach's alpha is used to assess reliability of a survey. An acceptable Cronbach alpha (reliability) for a psychometric scale is 0.70. However, criterion can be lower if there are fewer than 10 items and evidence of validity and sound theoretical and practical reasoning for use is given.

  • Cronobacter spp.

    Professional Description:

    The proposed reclassification for Enterobacter sakazakii.

  • Cytokine

    Professional Description:

    Cytokines are non-antibody proteins released by one cell population on contact with a specific antigen. Cytokines act as intercellular mediators and trigger an immune response.