About the PEN® System

  • Q. What is the PEN® System and why was it developed?

    A. The PEN® System is a dynamic resource that allows busy practitioners to quickly find authoritative answers to day-to-day questions, based on the latest evidence. Learn more about the PEN System and its features.

  • Q. Who developed the PEN® System?

    A. Leaders and experts in knowledge translation of health evidence and its application in practice have been consulted in the design of PEN. View a list of PEN®'s contributors

  • Q. How does the PEN® System differ from other reference tools?

    A. Textbooks and diet manuals, whether published as a hard copy reference, or an electronic text, provide a static reference document comprised of a set number of topics.

    The PEN® System is a dynamic service designed as a series of Knowledge Pathways covering the diverse practice of dietetics.

  • Q. What are Knowledge Pathways, Practice Categories, Practice Questions, and Key Practice Points?

    A. For definitions of these terms, refer to PEN® Terminology.

    Q. Why did we choose the name “PEN”?

    A. http://www.pennutrition.com/enews.aspx?id=20#211


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Subscribing to PEN

  • Q. How do I subscribe to the PEN® System?

    A. There are three ways to subscribe to the PEN® System:

    • Individual user
    • Group user * (available only in Canada)
    • Site License
  • View more detail at Sign Up

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Logging In

  • Q. How do I log into the PEN® System?

    A. Go to the login page and enter the username and password you chose when you created your PEN® Account. Please note that PEN passwords are case sensitive, so if you chose a password with capital letters, you must enter it that way when you log-in.

  • Q. What if I've forgotten my username or password?

    A. Click on the Login button on the top right of any page.  
    Click on the Help! I forget my login information. to receive an email containing your username or password.  

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Configuring Your Site License

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Managing my profile

  • Q. How do I update my personal profile?

    A. Ensure you keep your PEN® personal profile up-to-date to receive important messages from the PEN® team. Click on the icon at the top right-hand side of each page in the PEN® System

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Licensing, Copyright and Privacy Issues

  • Q. Can I share my password with others who are not subscribed to the PEN® System?

    A. Individual and Group Subscribers to the PEN® System will be provided with a unique password which is for your exclusive use.

    By completing the registration process, clicking the License Agreement & Terms of Use acceptance "button", and using the PEN system, you enter into a legally-binding arrangement which explicitly prohibits a user from sharing his/her password. Therefore, sharing your password is an infringement of the licensing agreement and will result in termination of your PEN access.

    Users who have purchased a PEN Site License have an automatic log in to PEN and therefore are not assigned an individual password.

  • Q. Can I download, print and/or photocopy documents in the PEN® website?

    A. Several types of documents can be accessed through the PEN® System and different permissions apply regarding the use of these. There is provision within the PEN System to email certain education tools to clients.

    Documents available on external websites linked through the PEN® System – such as client tools, professional tools, and research papers. Users must comply with all copyright laws and requirements applicable to those specific websites. Read the copyright information on the website before downloading and using their material.

    Documents developed by the PEN® Team
    Client handouts
    Users may download and duplicate copies for educational purposes with their own clients.

    Health authorities and/or institutions must have sufficient numbers of site or group licenses in order to make multiple copies to meet client needs. For example, if 15 people require access to the PEN® System at one time, three concurrent licenses are to be purchased.

    For group or individual licenses, the dietitian requiring multiple copies of PEN® client handouts for a clinic or class must have a PEN® subscription. Visit Sign Up for more information on Site and Group Licenses.

    Knowledge Pathways, including Key Practice Points, Backgrounders, Evidence Summaries and other tools
    Users may download and print this information for their personal or non-commercial use, or for research or study.

    Users may not otherwise copy, store in a retrieval system, transmit in any form by any means, rent, lend, sell, or modify any materials from the website except where it is explicitly stated that the material may be shared – such as where tools display a “Share this resource” button.

    Maintaining a hard copy of PEN® materials (even for personal reference) is not encouraged as PEN® is updated regularly, so static copies may become outdated quickly.  

  • Q. Can I make multiple sets of PEN® materials to use for educational purposes in a class for university students and/or dietetic interns?

    A. The same copyright limitations apply for university and internship classes, as stipulated above.

    The licensing agreement that you accept as a subscriber to the PEN® System does permit you to download or print single copies of PEN® materials for your own personal or non-commercial use, or for research or study.

    You may NOT otherwise copy, reproduce, store in any retrieval system or storage device, distribute, transmit or publish any "PEN® owned content" in any form by any means, nor may you rent, lend, sell or modify any material from the website, except where explicitly authorized on certain materials, such as client handouts.

    Institutional and group subscription rates are available so that it should not be necessary to make class sets of materials - students can access the service and all resources using a site license access or their own unique login and password.  

  • Q. Can I copy and paste PEN® content and post on social media?

    A. While we encourage PEN® users to profile/share PEN content on social media platforms, direct copying and pasting of PEN content into any social media forum is a breach of the PEN copyright agreement and is not permitted.  You are encouraged to instead provide a link to the material so individuals can use their own password to access PEN content or provide a link to sign up for a free two week trial of PEN if they do not have PEN access.  

    Referencing PEN


    Q. How do I reference a knowledge pathway or question in the PEN® System?

    A. When PEN® content is referenced, the following citation should be used:
    Dietitians of Canada. <name / title of Knowledge Pathway / practice question / PEN tool or resource used>. In: Practice-based Evidence in Nutrition® [PEN]. <date the Knowledge Pathway / practice question / PEN tool or resource used was last updated>[<insert date cited>]. Available from: http://www.pennutrition.com. Access only by subscription.

    Dietitians of Canada. What are nutrition issues/considerations for individuals following the low FODMAP diet? In: Practice-based Evidence in Nutrition® [PEN]. 2015 Sept 16 [cited 2015 Nov 30]. Available from: http://www.pennutrition.com. Access only by subscription. Free trials available. Click Sign Up on PEN log-in page.

    Q. How do I reference a PEN® handout?

    A. When a PEN® handout is referenced, the following citation should be used:
    Dietitians of Canada. <PEN handout - / title of the PEN handout used>. Practice-based Evidence in Nutrition® [PEN] Knowledge Pathway <title of the knowledge pathway>. <date the PEN handout was last updated> [<insert date cited>].Available from: http://www.pennutrition.com. Access only by subscription. Free trials available. Click Sign Up on PEN log-in page.


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  • Q. How do I find out the definitions of certain terms?

    A. Place your cursor over any in-text term that is double-underlined in green and the definition will be displayed in a little pop-up box. You may also click on the Glossary in the menu tool bar at the top of the screen to view all PEN® definitions in alphabetical order.

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Using PEN Power Tools

  • Q. How is the PEN® System’s information organized?

    A. Knowledge Pathways, Practice Categories, Practice Questions, and Key Practice Points?
    Using PEN Power Tools

  • Q. How are knowledge pathways developed?

    A. A PEN® Author and Reviewer Guide has been designed for authors. It includes the recommended template for a knowledge pathway and a step-by-step approach to ensure a consistent, evidence-based approach in the pathway development. Support for enhancing critical appraisal skills needed to evaluate the literature is provided by a series of training modules. Coordination and support are also provided by contacting the PEN Team. Contact them now.

    Q. How often will knowledge pathways be updated?

    A. Each knowledge pathway will be updated as new evidence that changes practice arises, with a complete review of most pathways every three years. Money from partnerships, affiliations and subscriptions to the PEN® System will be reinvested in the service to ensure its sustainability over time.

  • Q. How can I access a Knowledge Pathway?

    A. From the PEN® Key Features on the Home page you can access the Table of Contents for all Knowledge Pathways:

    From the Menu, located on all pages, by clicking on the + sign beside Knowledge Pathways you can access the Table of Contents for Knowledge Pathways or access the list by Knowledge Pathway category 


    Knowledge Pathways
  • Q. How do I print a Knowledge Pathway?

    A. Print icons are located on every page.  

    You will have the choice to print a page or the entire knowledge pathway.

    Maintaining a hard copy of PEN® materials, even for your personal reference, is not recommended as the PEN System is updated regularly and static copies may become outdated quickly.

    Q. How to print a PEN® handout?

    A. Click “View This Resource” and then when the handout has loaded in the PDF view, click the printer icon in the top right hand corner of the screen. 

    Q. How do I send a PEN® handout to a client via email?

    A. Click on “Customize and Share this Resource” phrase or the relevant icon:  Fill in your email address, your client’s email address, the message you wish to send to your client to accompany the handout and press Send.



  • Q. How do I customize the “Distributed by” box in the PEN® client handouts?

    A. Skip to Step 4 if your logo is already uploaded or if you don’t want your logo included.
        Step 1: Click on ‘My Profile’
        Step 2: Under “My Handout Distribution Preferences”, click on “Upload New Photo” and find the logo you want to add. If desired, add a distribution message.  
        Step 3: Click “SAVE & UPDATE” at the bottom right hand side of the page.

      Step 4: Navigate to the PEN client handout you wish to customize
      Step 5: Click on “Customize and Share this Resource” phrase or the relevant icon:  

    Step 6: On the Share this Resource pop up page, make sure that the “Include” bubble corresponding with “Distributed By” is checked..
    Step 7: Text in the “Distributed By” box can be added or edited. The “Distributed By” box will not accept images.
    Step 8: Click "PDF PREVIEW" to view this content on the last page of the handout. Also make sure the “Include” bubble is checked if you want your logo displayed.
    Step 9: A hard copy of the handout including your “Distributed By” information can be printed from the PDF preview, or click SEND to email a copy to your client or yourself.

  • Q. How do I customize the editable "Notes" feature in PEN client handouts?

    Step 1: Access a PEN® handout from the general search, Related Tools and Resources within a knowledge pathway, or from the PEN® client handout collection.

    Step 2: Click on the button underneath labeled “Customize and Share this Resource”.

    Step 3: A Customize and Share this Resource pop-up window will appear that will allow you to enter a message in the “Notes” section (up to six lines of text). Make sure that the ‘Include’ bubble corresponding with the “Notes” section has been checked.

    Step 4: Once you have entered the information, you can click ‘PDF Preview’ to check that information is correct, and then you can click "Send". If you want to provide a hard copy to your client, you can email the handout to yourself, and then print.

    Q. How do I suppress the Additional Resources, Notes and/or Distributed By section from displaying in a handout?

    A. Step 1: Access a PEN handout using the general search, Related Tools and Resources button within a knowledge pathway, or from the PEN Handout Collection.
    Step 2: Click on the ‘Customize and Share this Resource’ phrase or the relevant icon:  
    Step 3: A Customize and Share this Resource pop-up window will appear. To exclude any of the “Additional Resources”, “Notes” or “Distributed By” sections, make sure that the corresponding bubbles are cleared of check marks.  

    You can click the PDF PREVIEW button to view the handout and print a hard copy, or click the SEND button to email a copy to your client or yourself.


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  • Q. How do I search for Knowledge Pathways, Practice Questions and other tools and resources?

    A. You can search for Knowledge Pathways, Practice Questions and Tools and Resources by using the Simple Search textbox (top right hand corner of every page) or the Advanced Search (top right hand corner of every page). Both of these search tools are also located in the middle of the home page just below the navigation bar. Look for the magnifying glass icon. The Simple Search returns all relevant findings including questions, tools and resources. The Advanced Search can be used if you want to find, for example, only the relevant Knowledge Pathways. Both searches will return all results ordered by relevancy. You also have the options to list the results in Last Update, Title, or Resource Type.

    (Relevancy: The pertinence of a search result to a specified search term, determined by a number of factors including the search result’s title, keywords and category, the occurrence of the search term in the search result and the positioning of the search term in the search result.)

  • Q: Are there any tips that can help me narrow my search?

    A. Here are some usefulSearch Tips:

    Using Keywords in the Search Field

    You can search using a single word, or combination of words. Keywords are NOT case sensitive.

    If you enter a phrase without quotations such as Child Nutrition, the search feature will search for all items that include Child AND Nutrition.

    A search using a phrase with quotations such as "Child Nutrition" will search for all items that include Child Nutrition as a phrase.

    If you are copying the search phrase or sentence from a WORD document where the quotation marks appear - you will need to manually insert the “ “ in the search box as they are stripped during the cut/paste function.

    Boolean Search Terms

    Use Boolean search terms (AND, OR and NOT) to expand or focus your search.
    For example;

    • A search for Child AND Nutrition will return items with BOTH Child and Nutrition in them.
    • A search for Child OR Nutrition will return items with EITHER of the words Child or Nutrition in them.
    • A search for Child NOT Nutrition will return items with Child that do not have the word Nutrition.

  • Wildcard Symbol

    The wildcard symbol (an asterisk *) is another way to expand your search. Wildcard searching is enabled when you specify search terms as term*.
    For example;

    • Entering Nut* will find results that start with the word “nut” (such as nutrition, nutrient, nutrients, and so on).

  • Word Stemming

    Each search will attempt to identify if each search term is a dictionary term (Microsoft SQL Server Dictionary). If the word is a dictionary term then the search applies word stemming.
    For example;

    • A search for cramped will search for “cramps”, “cramping”, “cramped” and “cramp”.
  • French Word Searches

    Searches of French words with accents are supported. Search terms containing accents will return exact matches to that term.
    For example;

    • A search for bactérie will return all results containing the exact term “bactérie”.
  • Searches on French accented words without including the accents in the search term will also return matches to the accented French word. The search will strip any formatting (i.e. accents) on French words and search for an exact match.
    For example;

    • A search for “bacterie” will return all results containing the term “bacterie” or “bactérie”.
  • Please note: Word stemming is not supported on French search terms.

    Special Terms

    There are a number of special terms used in the field of Dietetics that are recognized by the search.
    For example;

    • Searching on vitamin B2 yields search results relevant to all permutations of the term Vitamin B2, including vit B2, vitamin B2 and riboflavin.
    • Searching on F returns search results relevant to the term fluoride
    • Searching on folate returns search results relevant to the term folate, folacin or folic acid.
  • Noise Terms

    Common noise words such as “is”, “this” and “that” will not be searched on when included in the search term. The numbers 1-9 are considered noise terms by the search and will not show results unless they are part of a special term.

  • Q: How do I make more than one selection from lists using Advanced Search?

    A. To select more than one criterion within the "Target Group", "Nutrition and Lifestyle", "Clinical Nutrition" or "Food Nutrient Issues" fields, press and hold the Ctrl key while making your selections.  

  • Q: I can't find what I'm looking for. What should I do?

    A. Your search criteria are possibly too detailed. Try to simplify your search and use the search tips [Link to Previous Question (Search Tips)] provided. For a general topic you can also look at the Table of Contents as a quick check to see if that topic has been addressed in PEN.

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Submitting Practice Questions

  • Q. How do I submit a practice question?

    A. Click on "Submit A Practice Question" on the right-hand side of the Knowledge Pathway and practice question pages, and follow the instructions.

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Citing PEN

  • Q. How do I reference a knowledge pathway or question in PEN?

    A. When PEN content is referenced, the following citation should be used:
    Dietitians of Canada. <name / title of Knowledge Pathway / practice question / PEN tool or resource used>. In: Practice-based Evidence in Nutrition [PEN]. <date the Knowledge Pathway / practice question / PEN tool or resource used was last updated>[<insert date cited>]. Available from: http://www.pennutrition.com. Access only by subscription.

    Dietitians of Canada. Is flax seed or flax seed oil safe to take during pregnancy? In: Practice-based Evidence in Nutrition [PEN]. 2007 March 17 [cited 2007 Mar 29]. Available from: http://www.pennutrition.com. Access only by subscription.

  • Q. How do I reference a PEN handout?

    A. When a PEN handout is referenced, the following citation should be used:
    Dietitians of Canada. <PEN handout - / title of the PEN handout used>. Practice-based Evidence in Nutrition [PEN] Knowledge Pathway <title of the knowledge pathway>. <date the PEN handout was last updated> [<insert date cited>]. Available from: http://www.pennutrition.com. Access only by subscription.

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  • Q. How do I send feedback?

    A. You can send feedback using the "Contact Us" form located on the top toolbar of each page.

  • Q. How can I get involved in PEN?

    A. If you would like to volunteer to help with the development of a knowledge pathway, send us a note using the "Become and PEN Writer or Reviewer button" form on the right hand side of the page. We are always looking for authors and reviewers. PEN authors and reviewers are individuals with expertise in a specific practice area. They may be researchers, academics or practitioners working directly with clients/patients. Interns, graduate and undergraduate students may also be mentored as authors, working in conjunction with their preceptor or university professor and a member of the PEN Team. Skill in critical appraisal is an important area of expertise to be a PEN author or reviewer. DC offers an online course in critical appraisal - Evidence-based Tutorial to support skill development.

    You can also submit your own Practice Questions by clicking on "Submit A Practice Question" on the right-hand side of a Knowledge Pathway or practice question page. While we don't promise to be able to address all practice questions that are submitted, they are used to help determine interest and need for additions to PEN. You can also send us feedback by clicking the Contact Us button.

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My Profile

  • Q. How do I update my personal profile?

    A. It is important to keep your PEN personal profile up to date as it is not linked to the member database for Dietitians of Canada. Click on the "Manage Your Profile" link displayed beside your name on the PEN home page, or on the My Profile link at the top right-hand side of each page. Now you can update your contact information to ensure receipt of messages from PEN.

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Writing For PEN®

  • Q. How do write for PEN?

    A. Writing for PEN® - if you are interested in knowing more about what is involved in being an author for PEN® please refer to the PEN® Writer's Guide. If you are interested in being a PEN author please complete the submission form on the PEN® Home page.

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My PEN® Favourites

  • Q. How do I add a resource to my PEN® Favourites?

    A. To add a resource to my PEN® Favourites, click on the star icon next to the title of the resource. The star will turn gold when it's been successfully added to your favourites.

    You can access a list of your favourites by clicking on the My PEN® Favourites and PEN ;Content Alerts icon on the home page.

    To Note: If you happen to see two stars, clear your browser cache; however My Favourites works the same with two stars.

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My PEN® Content Alerts

  • Q. How do I add a knowledge pathway to my PEN® Content Alerts?

    A. To add a knowledge pathway to my PEN® Content Alerts, click on the RSS feed icon next to the title of the knowledge pathway in the Table of Contents. The RSS feed icon will turn into a green check mark.

    You can access a list of your content alerts by clicking on the My PEN® Favourites and PEN® Content Alerts on the home page. Please note that content alerts are not available to site license users.

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Practice-based Evidence Toolkits [PETs]

  • Q: How do I navigate through PETs?

    A. PETs are a ‘one-stop-shop’ for evidence-based practice guidance for dietetics, specific to a particular knowledge pathway. They are organized according to Nutrition Care Process (NCP) steps, as described by standard terminology (International Dietetics and Nutrition Terminology - IDNT).

    There are three main ways to find PETs:

    1. On the PEN® Home page, click on the Toolkit icon that leads to all available toolkits.

    2. In the Knowledge Pathway Table of Contentspage, click on any of the magnifying glasses under the Toolkit/PGS column.

    3. When in a knowledge pathway, click on the Toolkit tab on the right hand side. The Toolkit tab will only display as an option if the knowledge pathway has a toolkit.

      Looking at the screen shot of a toolkit below:

      • At the top upper right, there are tabs where you can print a page or the whole toolkit. Note: the Print Toolkit function also allows you to view the toolkit in its entirety if preferred over the Nutrition Care Process sections.
      • You can click on any of the items on the right-hand side of the Toolkit Table of Contents to get direct access to any section within the toolkit.
      • You can also access related areas of the knowledge pathway through the tabs below the Toolkit Table of Contents - Background, Practice Questions, Evidence Summary and Related Tools and Resources.
    4. PETs also provides quick access to PEN® client handouts and 3rd party peer reviewed handouts in the Nutrition Education Resources section. Country-specific information is available for Australia, Canada, New Zealand and the United Kingdom.

      • When information is country-specific, click the box at the top of the page for the desired country information and it will be displayed (or alternatively, un-click the box to hide it).
    5. Watch for Table of Content headings with a “+” beside them. It means that there are contents hidden underneath the heading. Be sure to click on it to see other topics!

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Printing PEN Content and Handouts

  • Q. How to print PEN content or a handout?

    A. On the knowledge pathway pages you have the option of printing just the page or the entire knowledge pathway.

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