
Leaders and experts in knowledge translation of health evidence and its application in practice have been consulted in the design of this innovative system. The PEN® System was developed by Dietitians of Canada and is managed by a collaborative partnership comprised of representatives from the British Dietetic Association, the Dietitians Association of Australia and Dietitians of Canada. Practitioners and academic experts serve on PEN Advisory Committees in Australia, Canada and the United Kingdom to guide decisions regarding policies and procedures for evidence analysis and content development.  

Professional associations, subscription and licensing revenues, government grants and health authorities provide funding for PEN.

Key Contributors to the PEN® System

Dietitians of Canada acknowledges the following contributors who have provided valuable input into the design, implementation and evaluation of the PEN System.

  • The Centre for Health Evidence (CHE), affiliated with the University of Alberta, is one of the leaders in Canada and internationally on knowledge translation and evidence-based decision-making.
  • A DC Expert Advisory Committee initially guided key decisions on practitioners' needs, topic selection, promotion. Members of the Advisory Committee included Beth Armour, Janet Chappell, Liz DaSilva, Elaine Eppler, Kristyn Hall, Brenda Hotson and Cathy Seward.
  • The DC Networks and countless member volunteers identified practice questions, gathered the evidence, authored and reviewed the content in the PEN System, ensuring its validity and integrity. 
  • The British Columbia Ministry of Health Services is acknowledged for funding the partnership between Dietitians of Canada and Dial-A-Dietitian Nutrition Information Society, and BC Cancer Agency for enhancing the development of the Call Centre version of the PEN System.
  • The Ontario Ministry of Health Promotions (MHP) is acknowledged for the development and piloting of a call centre staffed by Registered Dietitians and funding support to enhance Call Centre PEN.
  • The British Dietetic Association, our first international collaborator, joined soon after, by the Dietitians Association of Australia. This extended the PEN System’s reach, positioning it as the global resource for nutrition practice.
  • The DC Gerontology, Paediatric Nutrition, Dysphagia, Nutrition Support and Diabetes, Obesity and Cardiovascular Networks are acknowledged for their financial contributions to the respective knowledge pathways.
  • The Public Health Agency of Canada is acknowledged for the financial contribution to the Diabetes and Nutritional Assessment Knowledge Pathway. The views expressed in these Knowledge Pathways are not necessarily those of Public Health Agency of Canada.
  • The Vulnerable Populations Office, Risk Management Bureau, SEP, HECS Canada is acknowledged for their financial contribution to the Food Safety Knowledge Pathway. The views expressed in this knowledge pathway are not necessarily those of The Vulnerable Populations Office, Risk Management Bureau.
  • The Canadian Council on Learning is acknowledged for its funding contribution to support the evaluation of the PEN System..
  • The Department of Applied Human Nutrition, Mount Saint Vincent University, Nova Scotia is acknowledged for their leadership in the design and implementation of the PEN System evaluation.
  • Administrative support for Kristyn Hall to conduct a critical review and synthesis of the evidence for the Healthy Weight/Obesity - Pediatrics Knowledge Pathways was provided by the Calgary Health Region, Alberta. This support demonstrates the key role that health care administrators can play in facilitating knowledge translation and exchange by supporting their staff to contribute their expertise to developing PEN content.
  • The First Nations and Inuit Health Branch, Health Canada is acknowledged for its funding of evidence syntheses to support the Aboriginal Nutrition Knowledge Pathway. The views expressed in this knowledge pathway are not necessarily those of Health Canada.
  • The Public Health Agency of Canada and the Canadian Best Practice Portal are acknowledged for the financial contribution to the Food Security and School Health Knowledge Pathways. The views expressed in these knowledge pathways are not necessarily those of Public Health Agency of Canada.

PEN Partnering Associations’ Vision and Mission Statements

PEN Content Contributor Credentials
In addition to PEN staff evidence analysts who write PEN content, academics and practitioners with a variety of credentials write and review for the PEN® system. While many experts are approached to contribute, PEN subscribers can submit their names via clicking the icon:

            Become a PEN Author or Reviewer on every page of the website. 

All PEN authors and reviewers are required to complete a Declaration of Affiliations and Interests Form that is kept on file with Dietitians of Canada. 

Updated April 10, 2016