9 results for: Credibility

MedlinePlus Guide to Healthy Web Surfing

A MedlinePlus guide for what consumers should look for when determining the credibility of a health information website.

2015-04-20 – Handout

Food and Nutrition Labelling Summary of Recommendations and Evidence

A synthesis of the recommendations and evidence regarding food and nutrition labelling.

2013-06-19 – Summary of Recommendations and Evidence

Advocacy/Public Affairs Summary of Recommendations and Evidence

A synthesis of the recommendations and evidence regarding advocacy and public affairs.

2012-06-04 – Summary of Recommendations and Evidence

Gerontology - Hydration Background

Background information on hydration and the elderly.

2015-11-04 – Background

Media Skills Background

Background information on media skills.

2013-02-27 – Background

Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO) - Genetically Modified Foods Background

Background information regarding genetically modified foods.

2016-05-20 – Background