Health Literacy: A Prescription to End Confusion
Health Literacy: Prescription to End Confusion, from the Institute of Medicine, examines knowledge and research available on health literacy and provides suggestions on how to remove health literacy barriers.
2017-02-23 – Book
Examples of Health Literacy in Practice
Peer nominated examples of health literacy initiatives in Canada added together as a Canadian Public Health Association resource that can help inform health literacy activities, programs and policies.
2017-11-13 –
National Health Literacy Action Plan
The National Action Plan, from the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services, seeks "to engage organizations, professionals, policymakers, communities, individuals, and families in a linked, multi-sector effort to improve health literacy". Strategies focus on providing people with information they can understand in order to make informed health care decisions.
2017-02-23 –
Learn About Health Literacy
Information for professionals from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) about what health literacy is, including a link to an hour video by Dr. Rima Rudd providing an overview of the field including research and related findings.
2017-02-23 – Audio/Visual