31 results for: Evidence Literacy

Media Literacy Summary of Recommendations and Evidence

A synthesis of the recommendations and evidence regarding media literacy.

2013-11-04 – Summary of Recommendations and Evidence

Health Literacy Summary of Recommendations and Evidence

A synthesis of the recommendations and evidence regarding health literacy.

2017-12-18 – Summary of Recommendations and Evidence

Research-based Web Design and Usability Guidelines

Evidence-based guidelines from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services on web design.

2014-08-11 – Manual/Guide

Nutrition Education Resource Development Summary of Recommendations and Evidence

A synthesis of the recommendations and evidence regarding nutrition education resource development.

2014-05-09 – Summary of Recommendations and Evidence

Food Skills Summary of Recommendations and Evidence

A synthesis of the recommendations and evidence regarding food skills.

2015-01-19 – Summary of Recommendations and Evidence

Cultural Competence Summary of Recommendations and Evidence

A synthesis of the recommendations and evidence regarding cultural competence.

2014-12-31 – Summary of Recommendations and Evidence

Marketing of Foods High in Fat, Salt and Sugar to Children: Update 2012-2013

A publication from the World Health Organization (WHO) reviewing the marketing of foods and beverages to children over the last decade; policy approaches to control marketing to children; scientific evidence linking advertising; and marketing to children’s dietary behaviour.

2015-04-29 – Manual/Guide

Food Skills Background

Background information regarding food skills.

2014-12-05 – Background

Improving Cooking and Food Preparation Skills: A Synthesis of the Evidence to Inform Program and Policy Development

This literature synthesis was prepared for the Healthy Living Issues Group of the Pan-Canadian Public Health Network, published by Health Canada. It examines the relationship between food preparation and cooking skills and food choices among children and families.

  2014-12-04 – Research Report/Paper