Anti-inflammatory Diets and Health
An anti-inflammatory diet is not well defined. A diet rich in vegetables, fruit, whole grains, nuts, legumes, unsaturated fats, spices and herbs; a moderate intake of animal products; and a low intake of simple carbohydrates, processed foods, saturated fats and alcohol has been associated with an anti-inflammatory state in the body. The Mediterranean diet, DASH diet and vegetarian dietary patterns have been described as examples of anti-inflammatory diets.
2024-08-13 – Trending Topic
Adult Diet Slide Set (UK)
A PowerPoint presentation by Public Health England providing information on key data, patterns and trends in the adult diet.
2016-08-29 –
Child Diet Slide Set (UK)
PowerPoint presentation by Public Health England providing information on key data, patterns and trends in the child diet.
2016-08-29 –
Diet Composition - Alkaline Diet Practice Guidance Toolkit
This toolkit provides an overview of the Diet Composition - Alkaline Diet Knowledge Pathway that includes a description of the topic, key nutrition issues, nutrition assessment, diagnosis, intervention, monitoring/evaluation and client resources.
2017-07-15 – Practice Guidance Toolkit