DAA advocacy in action: Response to controversial baby diet book Bubba Yum Yum
Some of you may be aware of recent media reports in Australia and internationally around the controversial new book Bubba Yum Yum: The Paleo Way for New Mums, Babies and Toddlers. The book, authored by Australian celebrity chef Pete Evans, blogger Charlotte Carr and naturopath Helen Padarin, was dropped by publisher Pan Macmillan Australia at the eleventh hour – based on concerns raised by the Dietitians Association of Australia (DAA) and supported by the Public Health Association of Australia (PHAA). The booked was due to be released by Pan Macmillan on Friday the 13th of March.
Despite serious issues with some of the content of the book (see below), DAA understands the authors have decided to independently release a digital version of the book, with a print version to follow. DAA is unsure whether any of the content will be altered by the authors prior to its release. However, the DAA has outlined these concerns directly to the authors, and the potential risks with some of the recipes have been widely reported through the media.
Recipe for disaster . . . DAA’s concerns with the book
Through routine media monitoring, DAA became aware of the book in February this year and later gained access to some of the content of the book. In summary, our concerns included:
Do-it-yourself (DIY) infant formula
This recipe (based on bone broth, chicken liver, a probiotic, coconut oil, cod liver oil and virgin olive oil) was promoted in the 0-6 month section of the book. While in the text the authors acknowledge breastfeeding as best, the book also stated: ‘(The DIY infant formula) is however a wonderful alternative and the next best thing when breast isn’t an option’.
It became immediately obvious that there were key nutritional issues with the DIY infant formula, particularly around excessive Vitamin A, excessive protein, high iron levels, lack of calcium and missing nutrient declarations (including iodine, selenium and sodium).
DAA asked Food Standards Australian New Zealand (FSANZ) to analyse the nutritional composition of the DIY infant formula, based on the recipe in the book – with alarming results. For instance, it is significantly higher than breast milk in:
- Vitamin A: 749% higher
- Vitamin B12: 2,326% higher
- Protein: 220% higher
- Iron: 1,067% higher
- Sodium: 879% higher,
- Calcium: 9% of breast milk
- Vitamin C: 17% of breast milk
- Carbohydrate: 0% of breast milk, and a range of other nutrients.
The DIY infant formula is said to ‘mimic the nutrient profile of breast milk’, but the FSANZ analysis shows this is not the case. In addition, the World Health Organization and Australia’s National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) state that breast milk is best for babies and that infant formula, commercially prepared using good manufacturing practices is the only suitable substitute if breast milk is not available.
Another problem relating to the DIY infant formula is the lack of instructions in the book for parents around preparing and storing the formula, and around how much to feed babies.
Wider problems with the cookbook
A wider, overarching problem is that the cookbook (targeting parents with babies and toddlers) is based around the Paleo Diet. Few studies have been published examining the benefits (and risks) of the Paleo Diet in adults and none examining the effects in children, let alone babies or toddlers.
Other, more specific problems with the cookbook include the use of ingredients that are not recommended for infants within the first 12 months of life due to microbiological risks – such as honey (due to botulism risk) and runny eggs (due to salmonella risk). DAA consulted with the New South Wales (NSW) Food Authority on these issues, and provided information from this organization to Pan Macmillan.
DAA advocacy efforts paid off
On 16 March, DAA learnt that Pan Macmillan had decided not to publish Bubba Yum Yum, in any format. This means the book will not be available to purchase in Australia through major book retailers. DAA is pleased the publisher took the concerns raised by the Association seriously, on the grounds of public safety. In the lead-up to this decision, DAA led contact with Pan Macmillan, through written communication and a face-to-face meeting, on behalf of all of the health agencies involved.
PHAA worked closely with DAA on this issue, and other groups consulted or informed included:
- Australian Breastfeeding Association (ABA)
- NSW Department of Health
- NSW Food Authority
- Australian Medical Association (AMA)
- New Zealand Ministry of Health
- Dietitians New Zealand.
Importantly, DAA alerted the Ministerial Office of the Federal Minister for Health Australia, the Hon Sussan Ley, about the Association’s concerns with the book, through a letter co-signed by the PHAA and the ABA. DAA understands the Department of Health has been closely scrutinizing the book and is investigating it further.
Positive ‘spin offs’ from advocacy in this area
While it is concerning that the authors of Bubba Yum Yum have now decided to self-publish the book (whether in an altered form or not remains to be seen), DAA has observed some positive, unexpected outcomes of our advocacy work on this issue:
- In reporting on the issues around Bubba Yum Yum, many media outlets have mentioned issues around self-appointed ‘experts’ (including celebrities) providing nutrition and health advice to the Australian public.
- Several key Australian journalists have raised issues around duty of care for book publishers when taking on books containing dietary advice, not backed by evidence.
In a recent Australian Women’s Weekly online piece, the AMA was quoted calling for health advice issued by celebrities and alternative wellness advocates to be scrutinized more rigorously before being published in books or online to protect the public. Part of the article states: ‘Alternative health advocates and their publishers should be prepared to take responsibility for health claims or advice that they give, just as a doctor is liable for the care and advice they give to patients.’
DAA believes these are good outcomes. We will ‘watch this space’ and continue to keep members informed on this important area.
Written by Maree Hall APD
Public Relations Dietitian, DAA
For more information on infant feeding guidelines:
For more information on the Paleo Diet: