Credentials:FDC, MSc, RD
Bio:Dawna Royall is a Senior Evidence Analyst for PEN® and is the Editor of the Canadian Journal of Dietetic Practice and Research. She is also a contract research consultant for the University of Guelph with research interests that focus on improving the effectiveness of nutrition services in primary care. She completed her undergraduate degree in nutrition at the University of Manitoba, a Dietetic Internship at Kingston General Hospital and an MSc in Nutritional Sciences at the University of Toronto. She has worked as a clinical dietitian and a research coordinator.
In individuals with spinal cord injuries, does the presence of a pressure injury alter calorie and protein requirements?
Role: Author
What is the most accurate method to assess body composition for evaluating overweight/obesity in individuals with spinal cord injury (SCI)?
What impact does obesity have on physical function and psychosocial health (e.g. quality of life) in adults, adolescents and children with spinal cord injury (SCI)?
Do individuals with spinal cord injuries (SCI) have an increased prevalence of cardiovascular disease (CVD)/cardiometabolic risk? If so, what strategies can prevent or manage cardiometabolic risk factors in adults and children with SCI?
What metabolic changes occur (i.e. energy expenditure, nitrogen balance) after spinal cord injury (SCI)? Is there a difference in the acute versus rehabilitation phase?
What is the effectiveness of dietary (e.g. fibre, fluid) and physical (e.g. abdominal massage, transanal irrigation) management strategies for neurogenic bowel as a result of spinal cord injury (SCI)?
Spinal Cord Injury Background
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Spinal Cord Injury Practice Guidance Toolkit
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Role: Reviewer