Degree(s):Master of Arts, Registered Dietitian
Relevant Dietetic Experience and Accomplishments:
Practice Focus:Diabetes
Some preschoolers want the same foods over and over again. How long can a food jag be expected to last? What strategies for picky eating, including food jags, are recommended?
Role: Reviewer
What are the effects on preschoolers/young children when they are strongly pressured to eat or when food is restricted?
Role: Author
If the principles of the division of responsibility are followed, (i.e. parents are responsible for what their child eats and the child is responsible for how much), are children able to self-regulate the amount of food they need for energy and to meet their nutrient needs?
What should be done when a toddler/preschooler suddenly decreases his/her food intake and the parent/caregiver is concerned that the child is not meeting his/her nutritional needs?
Does a child's growth pattern change at certain points during the first five years? Is there a corresponding effect on their appetite?
What is the evidence to support parents as the greatest influence for eating in the preschool years?
What effect(s) can teething have on a child's appetite?
When children are ill (i.e. with a cold or flu), is it normal for their appetite to decrease?
Toddler and Preschool Nutrition Practice Guidance Toolkit
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