Degree(s):Master of Arts, Registered Dietitian
Relevant Dietetic Experience and Accomplishments:
Practice Focus:Diabetes
What is the efficacy of classic and medium chain triglyceride (MCT) ketogenic diets (KDs) in the treatment of intractable epilepsy?
Role: Author
Is pre-ketogenic diet evaluation and counselling essential for the success of ketogenic diet (KD) treatment for pediatric intractable epilepsy?
Can the classic and MCT ketogenic diets (KDs) be initiated safely and effectively on an outpatient basis to treat pediatric intractable epilepsy?
What are nutritional requirements (energy, protein, vitamins and minerals) to support growth and nutritional status for children receiving the ketogenic diet (KD) (classic or MCT KD) while maintaining good seizure control?
What is the effectiveness of the low glycemic index treatment (LGIT) and modified Atkins diet (MAD) in the treatment of pediatric intractable epilepsy?
Nervous System - Pediatric Epilepsy: Ketogenic Diet Practice Guidance Toolkit
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