Credentials:BSc (Nutr), Hons Nutr Diet)
Does a high fibre diet reduce the risk of developing a duodenal ulcer or impact the treatment of duodenal ulcers?
Role: Reviewer
Does alcohol have a negative impact on the development of gastritis or peptic ulcers? Does alcohol exacerbate symptoms in individuals with peptic ulcer disease?
Do dietary constituents (e.g. vitamins, fatty acids or sterols) have an impact on the development or healing of duodenal ulcers?
Is enteral nutrition an effective means of preventing stress ulcers in hospitalized patients?
What is the role of diet in Helicobacter pylori prevention or treatment?
Does coffee have a negative impact on the development of gastritis or peptic ulcers? Does coffee exacerbate symptoms in individuals with peptic ulcer disease?
Gastrointestinal System - Gastritis and Peptic Ulcer Disease Background
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