Credentials:MHSc, RD
Bio:Carol Clarke is a Registered Dietitian and nutrition consultant in Burlington, Ontario, Canada. She completed a BA (Administrative Studies) at the University of Western Ontario (1980), a BASc (Food & Nutrition) at Ryerson University (1994), a Dietetic Internship at The Toronto Hospital (1995) and a MHSc (Nutrition Communication) at Ryerson University (2013). Carol has worked in many areas of clinical practice in hospitals and primary care. She has a particular interest in cardiovascular health and obesity. Her current focus is on program development for public and health professional education, group presentations and workshops, and writing and reviewing. She has contributed to several PEN® knowledge pathways.
How effective are interventions using a stage-based approach in bringing about positive change in dietary behaviour?
Role: Reviewer
Has the use of the Transtheoretical Model/Stages of Change to assess an individual’s readiness to make dietary behaviour change been validated?
How effective are interventions using cognitive behavioural therapy for achieving reductions in energy intake leading to weight loss?
Counselling Models Background
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