Are energy requirements altered in individuals with hepatitis B and C virus (HVB and HCV)?
Role: Reviewer
What is the optimal macronutrient composition of the diet for an individual with chronic hepatitis B and C?
Is weight loss beneficial for overweight individuals diagnosed with non alcoholic fatty liver (NAFLD) disease?
What is the optimal dietary composition for an individual with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD)?
What is the optimal nutrient composition of the diet for an individual with alcoholic liver disease?
What are the major fluid and electrolyte issues that occur in moderate to severe liver disease?
Are there any benefits in supplementing with branched chain amino acids (BCAA) for individuals with chronic liver disease?
Is fat-soluble vitamin supplementation necessary/safe for individuals with chronic liver disease?
Is supplementation with water-soluble vitamin (s) necessary and safe for individuals with chronic liver disease?
Is supplementation with minerals necessary/safe for individuals with chronic liver disease?
What vitamin supplements are required during acute liver failure?
Is there any evidence to support the use of milk thistle (silymarin) in chronic liver disease?
Should individuals diagnosed with Wilson's disease avoid copper?
Is there any evidence to support the use of herbal medicines to treat liver disease?
Is there evidence to support protein restriction in end stage liver disease (e.g. encephalopathy) and if so to what extent should protein be restricted?
How much protein does an individual with chronic liver disease need?
Hepatic Disorders Background
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