Credentials:BHSc MND, APD|AN
Bio:Pennie is the Senior Research Dietitian for the CSIRO Food and Nutrition Flagship in Adelaide and is also the co-author of the CSIRO and Baker IDI Diabetes Diet and Lifestyle Plan and contributor to the CSIRO Total Wellbeing Diet range of programs, which aim to maximize health and wellbeing through better nutrition, physical activity and weight management. Within her most recent role at CSIRO Pennie has managed and supported many clinical research projects that explore the influence of dietary patterns and dietary composition on health outcomes including weight loss, metabolic variables among morbidly obese individuals with pre-existing co-morbidities, including diabetes and heart disease, which has led to several commercial and scientific publications including the recently launched Impromy™ weight loss program delivered through the community Chemart Pharmacy. Pennie is an active committee member for the Dietitians Association Australia (DAA) and the Obesity Surgery Society Australia and New Zealand (OSSANZ) and a PhD Candidate exploring strategies to optimize glucose variability, appetite responses and feeding behaviour for controlling type 2 diabetes.
Does exercise following bariatric surgery result in greater weight loss than bariatric surgery alone?
Role: Reviewer
Is social support associated with greater weight loss maintenance after bariatric surgery?
In the morbidly obese adult population, does bariatric surgery compared to non-surgical interventions for weight reduction, result in a higher prevalence of eating disorders?
Does bariatric surgery impact pregnancy outcomes in women of childbearing age?
Do adults with mild to moderate obesity who undergo bariatric surgery have a greater total/sustained weight loss than individuals following non-surgical interventions for weight reduction?
Does pre-operative weight loss result in greater postoperative weight loss and improved operating procedure outcomes (e.g. operative time, complication rate, length of stay) in adults undergoing bariatric surgery?
Do adults who participate in post-bariatric surgery behavioural management programs achieve greater weight loss?
Healthy Weight/Obesity - Bariatric Surgery Background
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