Credentials:B.Sc.(Nutrition), Postgrad.Dip.Diet, APD, IBCLC
How does lactation affect a woman's requirement for vitamin/mineral supplementation?
Role: Reviewer
Do lactating women on vegetarian (lacto-ovo, lacto, and vegan) diets require vitamin B12 supplementation in amounts equal to or greater than the RDA?
What is the impact of caffeine intake in pregnancy and lactation?
What herbal beverages/supplements are safe to take during pregnancy and lactation?
Are there safety concerns for the ingestion of fish in women who are pregnant, planning to become pregnant or breastfeeding related to mercury contamination?
What interventions are effective in promoting initiation and continuation of breastfeeding in the primary care setting?
What are the risks to the infant when the breastfeeding mother uses illicit drugs?
What are the risks to the infant when the breastfeeding mother consumes alcohol?
What are the risks to the infant and the quality of breastmilk when breastfeeding mothers smoke cigarettes or use snuff?
Is breastfeeding associated with a decreased risk of developing type 2 diabetes among parous women without a history of gestational diabetes?
What are the benefits of breastfeeding on cancer prevention for the mother and infant?
What are the recommendations for postpartum weight loss for lactating women?
Does the conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) content of a breastfeeding woman's diet affect the total fat content and the CLA composition of her breastmilk?
What are the infant and maternal health outcomes associated with breastfeeding for six to 12 months or more compared to outcomes of infants and mothers who stop breastfeeding before six months?
What are the infant and maternal health outcomes associated with breastfeeding compared to infant formula feeding?
What are the nutritional needs of a mother who is pregnant and breastfeeding an older child?
Do herbs/herbal teas have an effect on breastmilk production?
What are the omega-3 fatty acid needs for breastfeeding women?
Do trans fatty acids (from hydrogenated omega-6 fatty acids) consumed by a lactating woman have adverse effects on her breastfed infant?
Can vitamin D content of breastmilk be increased by supplementing the mother with vitamin D as an alternative to administering vitamin D supplements to the infant?
Are there adverse effects of high protein diets (including protein powder supplements) in pregnant and lactating women?
Lactation/Breastfeeding Background
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