Bio:Linda Kirste completed her Bachelor of Science degree in Dietetics at the University of British Columbia and her internship at St. Michael's Hospital in Toronto. She started her career as an outpatient dietitian at the Toronto East General and Orthopaedic Hospital. Later, she worked in internal medicine, general surgery and critical care at the University Health Network, a tertiary care teaching hospital. Linda is certified as a nutrition support dietitian and has conducted research in the area of standardizing food and beverage viscosities for the management of dysphagia. She currently works in a telepractice setting, specializing in allergy nutrition at Dial-A-Dietitian in British Columbia. As an Allergy Dietitian, her work involves addressing food allergy questions and concerns from the public and the media, providing advance practice consultation to healthcare professionals, and developing allergy resources for both the public and health professionals.
What infant feeding formulas contribute to risk reduction for allergic diseases, including food allergy and eczema, among infants at high risk for allergy?
Role: Reviewer
Does a history of maternal allergy predict a higher risk for the development of allergy in an infant as compared to a paternal history of allergy?
Do infants with a parental history of allergy have a reduced incidence of allergy if their mothers avoid common allergenic foods during pregnancy as compared to infants of mothers who do not restrict their diets during pregnancy?
Do infants and children with a parental history of allergy who are exclusively breastfed and whose mothers avoid common allergenic foods during breastfeeding have a reduced incidence of allergy as compared to infants whose mothers do not restrict their diets?
Among term infants and children, with parental history of allergy, does exclusive breastfeeding for three to four months or more reduce the incidence of allergy?
Among term infants and children, with a parental history of allergy, does exclusive breastfeeding for six months reduce the incidence of allergy?
Among term infants and children, with a parental history of allergy, does duration of partial breastfeeding influence the incidence of allergy?
Among infants with parental history of allergy, does delaying the introduction of common allergenic foods until after four months of age decrease the incidence of allergy?
Among infants with parental history of allergy, does a combination of maternal avoidance of common allergenic foods during breastfeeding, infant feeding with hydrolysed formula, delayed introduction of common allergenic foods and a house dust mite reduction program decrease the incidence of allergy as compared to infant-mother pairs who do not adhere to these interventions?
Food Allergies - High Risk Infant Background
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Role: Author