Do morbidly obese adults who undergo bariatric surgery have a greater total/sustained weight loss than individuals following non-surgical interventions for weight reduction?
Role: Reviewer
Does exercise following bariatric surgery result in greater weight loss than bariatric surgery alone?
Is social support associated with greater weight loss maintenance after bariatric surgery?
In the morbidly obese adult population, does bariatric surgery compared to non-surgical interventions for weight reduction, result in a higher prevalence of eating disorders?
Does bariatric surgery impact pregnancy outcomes in women of childbearing age?
Do adults with mild to moderate obesity who undergo bariatric surgery have a greater total/sustained weight loss than individuals following non-surgical interventions for weight reduction?
Does pre-operative weight loss result in greater postoperative weight loss and improved operating procedure outcomes (e.g. operative time, complication rate, length of stay) in adults undergoing bariatric surgery?
Healthy Weight/Obesity - Bariatric Surgery Background
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