Credentials:BHE, MSc, PhD
Bio:Gail graduated with a Bachelor of Home Economics from the University of Manitoba, completed a therapeutic nutrition internship at Kingston General Hospital and after working as a hospital dietitian and a community nutritionist with First Nations people for 10 years, completed a doctorate in the Department of Community Health Sciences in the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Manitoba. Gail is currently a health writer and qualitative research consultant with an appointment as an assistant professor in the Department of Community Health Sciences at the University of Manitoba. Additionally, she has worked as an assistant professor in the Department of Human Nutritional Sciences in the Faculty of Human Ecology at the University of Manitoba, a qualitative researcher for the Winnipeg Regional Health Authority, a columnist for the Winnipeg Sun and associate editor of Healthy Weight Journal. Gail’s research focused on cultural understandings about weight, including projects with adolescent girls and their mothers (including non-Aboriginal, Métis and First Nations families), First Nations youth in northern Manitoba and Canadian dietitians’ understanding of non-diet approaches in weight management. Gail has delivered numerous conference presentations and articles or reviews for scientific and professional audiences.
What is known about Aboriginal youth's body image? How can this knowledge be incorporated into obesity prevention strategies?
Role: Author
What is the incidence of rickets among Aboriginal infants and children?
What nutrition measures are effective in treating nutritional rickets in Aboriginal adults?
What is the prevalence of osteoporosis in Aboriginal populations? What data exists on bone density in Aboriginal populations?
What food-related and nutrition issues arise for Aboriginal people who migrate from rural and remote communities to urban communities?
Aboriginal/Indigenous Peoples - Food, Nutrition and Health Background
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Role: Reviewer