Credentials:RD, MSc, FDC
Bio:Donna Secker is a Clinical Dietitian in the Nephrology and Pediatric Academic Multiple Organ Transplant Programs at the Hospital for Sick Children in Toronto. She is completing a PhD in Medical Sciences at the University of Toronto, developing and testing new methodology for pediatric nutritional assessment. Donna has participated in the authorship of several evidence-based collaborative statements and chapters related to pediatric nutrition and authored the section on infant nutrition for the ADA-DC Manual of Clinical Dietetics.
How is nutritional status and growth assessed in children with chronic kidney disease (CKD) including children not receiving dialysis and children on dialysis therapy?
Role: Reviewer
What are the energy and nutrient requirements (calories, protein, vitamins and minerals) of children with chronic kidney disease (CKD) including children not receiving dialysis and children on dialysis therapy?
What are fluid and electrolyte requirements (i.e. fluid, sodium, potassium) of children with chronic kidney disease (CKD) not undergoing dialysis and children on dialysis therapy?
Is a protein-restricted diet effective in delaying the progression of end stage kidney disease (delaying the start of dialysis) in children?
Nephrology – Chronic Kidney Disease (Pediatric/Paediatric) Background
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