Credentials:M.Sc, Ph.D, P.Dt, FDC, NSDA
Bio:For the past 15 years, Dr. Laurie A. Wadsworth has been a professor of Human Nutrition at St. Francis Xavier University. Her professional experience lies in the community nutrition field, having worked for Saskatchewan Health for twelve years as a public health nutritionist, provincial nutritionist and health promotion consultant. Laurie has a Bachelor’s degree in dietetics and nutrition and a PhD combining nutrition and media studies from the University of Saskatchewan. Her Master of Science was in community nutrition from the University of Manitoba. She is a Fellow of Dietitians of Canada, and assisted in development of national policy as a member of the Trans Fat Task Force for Canada and the Technical Advisory Committee for Health Check™ for Heart and Stroke Canada. Her research interests lie more in answering “why did I eat that?” rather than “what did I eat?’ which led to her use of qualitative methodologies in media analysis.
Why is media literacy an issue for inclusion in dietetic practice?
Role: Author
Does marketing in print and broadcast media affect body image of readers and viewers across ages and sexes?
What are the key considerations in adding media literacy into daily practice?
How can the incorporation of media literacy into daily practice be enhanced?
How can dietitians use their media literacy background to advocate for development of supportive environments?
Do improved media literacy skills lead to improved knowledge, nutritional health and well-being?
Media Skills - Media Literacy Background
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