Credentials:MSc, RD
Bio:Lynn graduated from the University of Guelph with a Bachelor of Applied Science in Human Nutrition and Master of Science in Human Kinetics. She has worked as a public health nutritionist in Ontario and has spent many years serving as a nutrition consultant and writer for many organizations including serving as a consultant for Health Canada in the development of Canada's Food Guide in 1992 and 2007. She has worked with Dietitians of Canada on numerous projects and helped develop many factsheets, resources and interactive nutrition education tools such as Recipe Analyzer, EATracker and Let’s Make a Meal. Lynn has co-authored several cookbooks including Great Food Fast and Suppertime Survival. Lynn is a regular contributor to national magazines and newspapers. She has created a niche working on Internet-based communications for various clients and manages her own websites and
What are the nutritional benefits for children and adolescents who frequently eat together with at least one other family member present?
Role: Reviewer
What are the nutritional benefits for older adults who frequently eat together with others in residential care settings or in the community?
Are there non-nutritional benefits for children and adolescents who eat meals frequently with their parents/family?
Are there non-nutritional benefits for older adults who eat together?
What are the barriers to eating together and how can practitioners support eating together?
Healthy Lifestyle - Eating Together Background
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