Bio:Leslie Whittington-Carter is the Ontario Government Relations Coordinator for Dietitians of Canada, a position that helps to shape advocacy strategies promoting access to Registered Dietitians in the province. Prior to this role, she worked for the Ontario government as a Dietary Advisor in the Ontario Ministry of Health and Long Term Care, monitoring LTC homes' compliance with provincial standards. She teaches in the Foods and Nutritional Sciences program at Brescia University College, incorporating the concepts of advocacy in foodservice management classes, and the importance of professional involvement in efforts to influence public policy.
What are the key steps in developing an advocacy strategy?
Role: Author
What are the barriers and challenges to advocacy work and how can these be overcome?
What do I need to know about the political process within government to move my issue forward?
How should one gain support from politicians and political staff for advocacy efforts that target government?
What is the role that media can play in an advocacy strategy and how should media be incorporated into an advocacy strategy?
What are the benefits and risks regarding forming a coalition or network for advocacy?
How should other stakeholders be involved in advocacy effort?
How can key messages be developed to be clear and concise?
How can the success of the advocacy efforts be evaluated?
Is advocacy an expected component of dietitians’ practice?
What is the role of social media in advocacy efforts?
What are strategies to make alliances or coalitions successful?
What are best practices in using social media for advocacy?
Advocacy/Public Affairs Background
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Role: Reviewer