Functional Foods/Nutraceuticals
Pathway Contributor: Elizabeth Johnston
Elizabeth M. Johnston is Director and Professor, School of Nutrition and Dietetics and Director, Centre for Sensory Research of Foods, Acadia University. In 1989 she became a Charter Fellow of Dietitians of Canada and in 1991 she received the Nova Scotia Dietetic Association Merit Award for outstanding contribution to the profession. Presently she is a member of Dietitians of Canada’s University Accreditation Committee and serves on the University Senate. She has been invited as a World Health Organization consultant to the United Nations System’s Forum on Nutrition in Geneva, Switzerland and served as a consultant for the Global Alliance in Nutrition in Pakistan. She has published in various journals including the Journal of Nutrition, the American and Canadian Dietetic Association Journals, the Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science and the Canadian Journal of Plant Science.