Credentials:CDE, MEd, RD
Practice Focus:focus
Do adults with type 2 diabetes have better glycemic control when they consume a low glycemic index (GI) diet compared to a high GI diet?
Role: Author
Do adults with type 1 diabetes have better glycemic control when they consume a low glycemic index (GI) diet compared to a high GI diet?
Do individuals with type 2 diabetes have improved serum lipid levels when they consume a low glycemic index (GI) diet compared to a high GI diet?
Do individuals with type 1 diabetes have improved serum lipid levels when they consume a low glycemic index (GI) diet compared to a high GI diet?
Do individuals with type 2 diabetes have better glycemic control when they receive nutrition education based on low glycemic index (GI) choices compared to educational approaches based on the quantity of carbohydrate only?
Do children with type 1 diabetes have better glycemic control when they receive nutrition education based on low glycemic index (GI) choices compared to educational approaches based on the quantity of carbohydrate only?
Do healthy individuals who consume a high glycemic index (GI) diet have an increased risk of developing type 2 diabetes as compared to healthy individuals who consume a low GI diet?
Do individuals with diabetes need to adjust the timing and/or dose of their medication based on the glycemic index (GI) rating, even if the carbohydrate content is the same?
Does the amount of carbohydrate influence glycemic control more than the type of carbohydrate (as defined by glycemic index) in healthy individuals and individuals with glucose intolerance or diabetes?
Do children with type 1 diabetes have better glycemic control when they consume a low glycemic index (GI) diet compared to a high GI diet?
Diabetes - Glycemic Index Background
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