Bio:Jane Bellman completed her Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Foods & Nutrition at the University of Western Ontario, followed by a Dietetic Internship from Kitchener-Waterloo Hospital and a Master of Education from Brock University. She has worked as a clinical dietitian, dietetic internship coordinator and patient education specialist at Hamilton Health Sciences, as a manager of the Nutrition Resource Centre at the Ontario Public Health Association and as a public health nutritionist at Wellington-Dufferin-Guelph Public Health. Jane is currently an Education and PEN Resource Manager at Dietitians of Canada and a project consultant for a variety of dietetic education-related contracts.
What are the advantages of using printed education resources with clients?
Role: Reviewer
Why should nutrition education resources be written in a way that is easy to read, understand and use for all clients?
What should be considered when developing nutrition education resources for individuals who do not speak an official language?
Nutrition Education Resource Development Background
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