Credentials:PhD, PDt
Bio:Dr. Theresa Glanville is a Professor in the Dept. of Applied Human Nutrition at Mount Saint Vincent University, Halifax, NS. Her areas of teaching expertise include medical nutrition therapy, metabolism, & research methods. Dr. Glanville's research interests are diverse and include dietary behaviours of "at risk" populations with an emphasis on diet quality and food sharing in low income families; and factors shaping food selection patterns of young children. Dr. Glanville has a special interest in the Dietary Reference Intakes (DRIs). She served as a reviewer for the Panel Report on Folate & Other B Vitamins and is currently a member of the Expert Advisory Committee convened by Health Canada to guide implementation of the DRIs. Dr. Glanville is also a member of the Advisory Committee working with Dietitians of Canada to develop the on-line DRI course. She authored the on-line course on Vitamin and Mineral Supplementation for DC.
What is the recommended management of B12 deficiency among non-pregnant adults?
Role: Author
If folate deficiency also causes megaloblastic anemia, how can this be distinguished from vitamin B12 deficiency?
Hematology/Haematology: Anemia/Anaemia - Folate and Vitamin B12 Deficiency Practice Guidance Toolkit
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