Are athletes at greater risk of iron deficiency and does exercise training impact iron status?
Role: Reviewer
Is creatine supplementation safe and effective for improving exercise performance and increasing lean body mass in adolescents and adults undergoing exercise training?
Are high carbohydrate diets consumed during training more effective for improving endurance exercise performance than a diet lower in carbohydrate and/or high in fat?
Is carbohydrate loading effective for improving muscle glycogen concentrations and exercise performance?
Are there any sex differences in the ability of athletes to carbohydrate load?
What is the effect of a pre-exercise meal approximately two to four hours before exercise?
What is the effect of a pre-exercise meal within one to 1.5 hours before exercise?
What is the effect of a pre-exercise meal when dietary carbohydrate is also available during exercise?
What are the effects of consuming carbohydrate during exercise that lasts longer than one hour?
What are the effects of consuming carbohydrate during exercise that lasts approximately one hour or less?
What is the optimal dose and timing of carbohydrate ingestion during recovery from exercise for glycogen resynthesis?
Does alcohol consumption interfere with post-exercise (recovery)?
Do sports drinks (carbohydrate-electrolyte solutions) help healthy children and adolescents maintain hydration and exercise performance better than plain water?
What is the effect of carbohydrate ingestion during high intensity intermittent exercise and sports (such as “stop and go” or team sports) on various performance outcomes?
What is the optimal amount, type and timing of protein intakes for athletes?
What is the effect of iron supplementation and dietary changes among iron deficient athletes on hematological and exercise parameters and is supplementation recommended for athletes, whether iron replete or deficient?
Sports Nutrition - Creatine Background
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Exercise and Fluid Replacement Among Children Background